Empowering Persons with Different Abilities

Empowering Persons with Different Abilities

We believe in an inclusive society where persons with different abilities are empowered and become self – reliant.
CBR (Community based Rehabilitation) is a useful strategy spearheaded by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for implementing cross-sectoral human rights-based approach to inclusive development. It has since evolved into a multi-sectoral, rights-based approach for community development targeting and involving persons with disabilities and their families.

As a strategy, CBR seeks to further the inclusion and meaningful participation of people with disabilities in society by removing the barriers to development that people with disabilities face; Delivering quality services and programs; addressing the causes of disability; and Bringing persons with and without disabilities together on an equal basis.

In achieving the above objective, CBR helps reduce poverty and improve the lives of everyone in the community. Today CBR is practiced in over 90 countries and is increasingly seen as an effective strategy for inclusive development (Source: CBR Africa Network)

Oak Solutions Centre Resource Manager Gaston Munezero with a team from HIAS- Kenya during the International Day of Persons with Disability.


Oak Solutions Centre Station Chief Victor Olukwo as part of the Technical Team during the CBR Africa Conference.

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